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Ftc Complaint Form: What You Should Know
Act) [5 U.S.C. §§ 35, 56, 35a and 31], alleges as follows: 1. Myspace LLC's website, which is operated by Myspace, collects personally identifiable information from users through its website, and misuses such information to collect and distribute advertising revenues on third party websites. 2. Myspace's websites and/or mobile applications collect, store, analyze, aggregate, and/or transmit personally identifiable information from users of the websites and applications or, in a manner similar to Myspace's other practices, provide the information collected through the websites or applications to third parties for the purposes listed in paragraph 1 above to enable the services of those third parties. Myspace's websites and apps are similar in their purpose to third-party websites that collect information about users for marketing purposes. 3. In addition to these practices, Myspace's websites and apps collect, store, analyze, aggregate, and/or transmit information, including personally identifiable information, to enable the services on the websites and apps operated by third parties. The services offered by Myspace do not conform to the standards of a privacy policy as is required by the FTC Act. 4. Myspace's activities include collecting consumer information without consent and providing this information to third parties without providing notice to its users. Myspace's servers collect, store, and use personally identifiable information without the consent of the user of the website. 5. Users have provided Myspace's websites (and some of its mobile apps) with access to personally identifiable information, including personal information concerning individual users through the websites or apps. The information collected during the use of the websites and their mobile applications is used by Myspace, and its third parties, in order to customize the websites and mobile applications in a manner that may, among other things, be designed to promote the use of its services of selling, promoting and promoting its websites and mobile applications, including advertising to users, and creating websites and mobile applications that are easy to use and integrate with third-party websites and applications, as well as enhance, extend, improve and adapt the content of those websites and mobile applications to provide its users with the information they require finding, access and use the goods and services they do desire.
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